Why Enter Your Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an energetic and spiritual space where the records of everything that has ever happened in the past, everything that is happening now in the present, and everything that could happen in the future are stored.

When you learn how to access your own personal Akashic Records Room, you open yourself up to receive limitless spiritual guidance and healing. In your Records Room, you can access information about your past lives, your soul purpose, soul contracts, karmic relationships, and more.

If you have started your own spiritual journey of soul-discovery, healing, and growth, then being able to access your Akashic Records is like your one-stop shop where you can journey to at any time for guidance, information about your soul's path, and energetic healings unique to you.

What's Covered

  • What are the Akashic Records?
  • Mindset and energy management going into the Records
  • What to expect when you enter your Records
  • What you can find in your Akashic Records Room
  • How the 4 main 'clair' senses show up in the Records and how to work with them
  • How to use the Records as your 'spiritual Google' when you feel lost or confused
  • Different ways to enter the Records
  • Ways to raise your vibration to enter the Records
  • Consent to enter someone else's Records Room
  • Imagination vs Intuition

Before we go into the Records, I give you my best tips and break down everything you need to know before entering. Watch this part first to help get you into the optimal energetic space and mindset.

Guided Journey

In this part of the workshop, you'll be guided into your personal Akashic Records Room. Do this part of the workshop in a quiet place where you can be alone and won't be bothered - you'll want to be comfortable and have water and a paper and pen nearby for notes afterward.

Reflection + Integration Journal

Use these guided journal prompts to reflect and integrate your experience after accessing your Akashic Records.


About Chelsea Jewel

Hi, I'm Chelsea Jewel, your instructor for this workshop! I am an Intuitive + Karmic Astrologer, a Spiritual Life Coach, and an Intuitive Mentor for those who are developing and strengthening their own intuitive gifts.

I have been accessing the Akashic Records since I went through my own spiritual awakening back in 2018. I firmly believe that everyone can access their Akashic Records - and like anything, we sometimes just need guidance and practice to reactivate the ability within ourselves.

My intentions with this workshop are to provide a safe and protected energetic space for you to learn about the Akashic Records and practice accessing them for yourself, and to share information and an in-depth guided meditation journey with you that activates your soul remembering of how to come back to this beautiful energetic place that your soul has been to many times before.